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6 tips for a fabulous hospital birth

6 Tips For A Fabulous Hospital Birth

Pregnant? Planning a hospital birth? Fabulous! We would love to give you some tips to help that hospital birth be an amazing experience for you.

Some say that you can’t predict birth and it will just happen how it will happen. There is some truth to this idea; childbirth isn’t something we can totally control or predict. However, you absolutely CAN do things to prepare yourself and your partner for an experience that leaves you feeling comfortable with all the choices you made and knowledgeable about the process.

Here are our favorite tips for a fabulous hospital birth.

Gain Knowledge

Yes, we do think you should take a hospital birth class. You probably saw that one coming, since we are a childbirth education company. We value education because it is so very powerful.

Imagine arriving at the hospital and being baffled by the language, procedures, and the normal every-day there? Even if all goes well, it’s scary not understanding what’s happening or what people are talking about on this important day.

Find the Birth Boot Camp Hospital Birth Class HERE!

Take a childbirth class that specifically prepares you for a hospital birth and navigating what happens there. It will help you communicate better, understand what is happening, and make you feel more confident overall.

Prepare Together

All too often it’s only the pregnant mother who reads the books, studies the research, and learns about the process of birth. But most women have a very important person with them at their birth: their partner!

Imagine how that partner feels as the experience of hospital birth plays out and they are totally blindsided by the entire event? Even if mom is knowledgeable, she can’t teach him anything while she labors.

Preparing TOGETHER before the birth is key to a great experience for both people present at the birth. Remember that class we mentioned? Take it together! Then, even if dad doesn’t read a single book about childbirth, he’ll understand the basics and mom will know that he has got her back.

Spring for a Doula

Who anticipated all the expenses for the baby?! One day you’re driving a sports car, and the next you’re pricing the wipe warmers and strollers that everyone says you NEED.

In truth, there aren’t a whole lot of actual needs for the baby. But springing for a doula, while an investment, is one that really pays off. Having a knowledgeable and dedicated person who is there for emotional support during your birth, is key.

6 tips for a fabulous hospital birth

We hear so many couples say that they are incredibly grateful that they chose to invest in this person.

Your hospital staff will often be a wonderful resource and supportive of your wants, but their focus, rightly so, is on medical needs. A doula’s focus is on you and your emotional needs.

Practice What You Learn

Giving birth is like a final exam, as our instructor trainer, Jillian Blakeman says. And there is no way to skip the test!

How do you prepare? The knowledge and the classes and the doulas are needed: then you must practice what you learn! Your instructor and doula will guide you and give you some tips and assignments. Follow through! You will definitely be there on test day, so don’t miss the prep and practice!

Feed Your Belly Well

Women have thousands of choices for food each day; why not make the best choices for you and your baby? Think of childbirth like a marathon you will be running and feed your belly as you would for a big, important day. Because you are!

There is lots of information out there about nutrition and pregnancy, and it can get pretty complicated. We also have an amazing class geared just towards pregnancy nutrition and exercise. You’ll love it.

The basics, however, are simple: eat whole foods, get lots of greens, consume a rainbow, and get adequate fat and protein. Here are some of our favorite foods for pregnancy and beyond.


Whew, we just told you a bunch of things to do! But don’t get stressed out. That never helps! In fact, preparing well for your hospital birth should decrease stress as your knowledge and practice increase.


Practice relaxation for birth with your partner. Learn what that looks and feels like. (We have some incredible resources for birth relaxation. Check out our class specifically designed for that.)
6 tips for a fabulous hospital birth


When you have done all of this, lean back and truly relax, mentally and emotionally. You have done what you can and now you get to look forward to a positive hospital birth experience.

Ahhh…sounds heavenly!

You can do it!

The bad news is that reading this article alone isn’t enough to prepare you for an empowering hospital birth. The good news is that it will get you started down that path. Education, preparation, support, practice, good food and relaxation: these are all things that will help prepare your body, mind, and heart for a great birth.
Have an amazing birth! We believe in you.

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